Troubleshooting like a professional technician

Troubleshooting methods to find the problem and fix it!

Please note that this is a BETA launch, which means it is still a 'work in progress' and we rely on your feedback to make improvements. This workshop is meant to diagnose and solve user error and minor repairs, which are the most common issues with sewing machines. This workshop alone will NOT cover how to reset timing, make major repairs, replace broken internal parts, or address computer malfunction or damage. Some of these larger repairs can be addressed through discounted, paid consultation.

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    Troubleshooting like a professional technician $149 USD
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    $149 USD

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        By submitting this form you agree to our Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy

        What's included?

        • Lifetime access to all modules
          and videos
        • ALL updates, expansions, and
          improvements to this program
        • Discount on paid consultations
          to fix your machine
        • Live, expert help to diagnose
          your machine

        I have two 403 machines and one 401 machine. All three had the same problem: sewing for a couple minutes, then getting jammed at the bobbin with the thread wrapped around the spool pin.  I did everything that I could thik of including traveling 100 miles to a Singer authorized dealer with no success.  After Andi gave us the information on bobbins, I decided to go to the website and get the parts number for the correct bobbin.  Shocker, I was not using the correct bobbin!  After 2 years of frustration, my problem has been solved!

        Nora K.

        This is the information that a mom or grandmother would share as they taught someone to sew, but even beyond that! You won't find it in books, and if you ever did learn it - it slips away if you step away from your machine for a few years!  How many people sit down and get so flustered they just give up?  With the proper information and guidance, it would be a totally different experience.  Sewing can be so empowering and taking care of your machine through knowledge is a big part of that.  Thank you for doing what you do - you are priceless!

        Amy W.